Conduct and Discipline

The school lays emphasis on self-discipline, without discipline it is not possible to achieve excellence in any field. It is our aim to imbibe in each student a sense of good manners, and moral values and behavior and to foster a sense of cooperation and respect for elders. For maintenance of discipline in school, introduction of card system has been made, which includes positive as well as negative cards.

Disciplinary Measures

The following measures will be adopted to enforce discipline:

  • Oral warning and counseling.
  • Written warning.
  • Issue of negative card.
  • Detention.
  • Rustication and expulsion as per rules

Positive Cards:

  • Yellow card for appreciation.
  • Orange card for incentive.
  • Green card for reward.

Negative Cards:

  • Blue card for warning.
  • Black card for punishment.
  • Red card for expulsion.

Other than academics students will be evaluated monthly on their behavior, regularity in work, maintenance of books and copies etc.

Name of misbehaving students will be entered in the negative cards. They will be counseled by the school counselor/Principal and disciplinary action will be taken against them, if required.