- Where is the school exactly located?
- How far is the School from Dehradun’s clock tower?
- Is the school affiliated to CBSE?
- How does school Society control the School?
- How do you appoint the teachers?
- Do you have any provisions for the orientations of the teachers?
Ans. The TWS is situated in tranquil surroundings of the posh colony of Indira Nagar, very close to the heart of the city.
Ans. It is about 7 km from clock tower, 5 km from Railway Station and 5 km from ISBT and approximately 30 km from airport.
Ans. Yes
Ans. We have to follow all the rules and regulations of the school society. The school society recruits the staff conducts regular trainings for them and controls the academics and system.
Ans. They are selected and trained by the school’s society as per CBSE norms.
Ans. Yes teachers undergo training and orientation program is held for new teachers. Staff Enrichment programme is organized twice a year.